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  Vugelbeerbaam - A German Folk Song.

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Opening in July 2006, the Waldsee BioHaus Environmental Living Center at Concordia Language Villages is the first of its kind in North America.

Our Open House Event is scheduled for Friday, August 11, 2006 during International Day at Concordia Language Villages.

Learn more about the complete story in the electronic files below. Printed Media Kits are also available upon request. And we look forward to your visit to Waldsee BioHaus soon!

Click the Photographs below to view them larger.

View of BioHaus from the treehouse.
View of BioHaus from the treehouse.

Solar panels for hot-water and heating being installed on the BioHaus Green Roof.
Solar panels for hot-water and heating being installed on the BioHaus Green Roof.

WALDSEE BIOHAUS Main exterior view of first certified Passivhaus in North America: Waldsee BioHaus.
Main exterior view of first certified Passivhaus in North America: Waldsee BioHaus.

Exterior shot featuring two main sections of Waldsee BioHaus:
1. Private living areas represented by the blue stucco
2. Public learning areas represented by the aluminum siding

Deck view from Waldsee BioHaus stretching toward the lake.

Stairs connecting lower-level living quarters to main-floor learning lab and kitchen.

BioHaus East facade, dorm windows are shown on the lower floor and the kitchen window is shown on the upper floor in the aluminum siding
BioHaus East facade, dorm windows are shown on the lower floor and the kitchen window is shown on the upper floor in the aluminum siding.

Waldsee students giving life to BioHaus Green Roof.
Waldsee students giving life to BioHaus Green Roof.

Learning studio that engages and inspires students to compare and contrast Waldsee BioHaus with North American standards – all while improving their proficiency in speaking German.

Extensive green roof of Waldsee BioHaus that serves to retain rainwater, reduce the risk of erosion and act as a heat buffer during the summer.

Solar panels which are part of a sophisticated solar hot-water system that meets the high volume hot-water needs of Waldsee BioHaus.


Key media contact information:
Annette Kirchner: 218-299-4916
[email protected]