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  Ackerwinde - A German Folk Song.

Click here to learn about our Language Villages


Enroll in the German Language Village of Waldsee any time of the year! Here are several ways to live & learn in Waldsee BioHaus.

KidsÜbercool, Mann! That is das BioHaus and that is Waldsee – great immersion adventures in German language and culture for kids ages 7-18. Komm mit for hands-on experiences – you’ll make friends from around the country and across the ocean.
Click here to learn about our Summer Youth Program and Village Weekends.

Teens – Join in the Spass of learning German in a fun and supportive environment – and getting a year’s worth of high school credit in German for four weeks of immersion adventures with your friends. There’s nothing like it!
Click here to learn about our Four-Week Credit Sessions and Village Weekends.

Parents and Families -- Waldsee BioHaus is the coolest thing since sliced Brot. Send your kids to Waldsee for an amazing immersion adventure with German and community-based learning – or come yourself, and bring the family!
Click here to learn about our Adult and Family Programs and Village Weekends.

Educators – Waldsee BioHaus provides a großartiges! – awesome! – total immersion, educational experience in language, culture and science for students aged 7 – 18.

Beyond being of interest to language teachers and students, Waldsee BioHaus opens the doors as wide as your imagination for groups interested in a real-life, hands-on Abenteuer – adventure - focusing on topics

as diverse as modern science, global issues, environmental studies, international relations, peace studies, art and … you tell us! The interdisciplinary nature of how learning happens at Concordia Language Villages sets the stage for that unvergessliche – unforgettable – encounter for learners of all ages from all walks of life.

Click here to learn more about our Village Weekends that can be tailored to a Waldsee BioHaus experience.

Other ideas? Questions? Contact Martin Graefe, our Director of Year-round Programs, for more information at: [email protected] :: 1-218-586-8715

Willkommen to Das BioHaus!


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 Ackerwinde - A German Folk Song.


Enroll in the German Language Village of Waldsee any time of the year! Here are several ways to live & learn in Waldsee BioHaus.

KidsÜbercool, Mann! That is das BioHaus and that is Waldsee – great immersion adventures in German language and culture for kids ages 7-18. Komm mit for hands-on experiences – you’ll make friends from around the country and across the ocean.
Click here to learn about our Summer Youth Program and Village Weekends.

Teens – Join in the Spass of learning German in a fun and supportive environment – and getting a year’s worth of high school credit in German for four weeks of immersion adventures with your friends. There’s nothing like it!
Click here to learn about our Four-Week Credit Sessions and Village Weekends.

Parents and Families -- Waldsee BioHaus is the coolest thing since sliced Brot. Send your kids to Waldsee for an amazing immersion adventure with German and community-based learning – or come yourself, and bring the family!
Click here to learn about our Adult and Family Programs and Village Weekends.

Educators – Waldsee BioHaus provides a großartiges! – awesome! – total immersion, educational experience in language, culture and science for students aged 7 – 18.

Beyond being of interest to language teachers and students, Waldsee BioHaus opens the doors as wide as your imagination for groups interested in a real-life, hands-on Abenteuer – adventure - focusing on topics

as diverse as modern science, global issues, environmental studies, international relations, peace studies, art and … you tell us! The interdisciplinary nature of how learning happens at Concordia Language Villages sets the stage for that unvergessliche – unforgettable – encounter for learners of all ages from all walks of life.

Click here to learn more about our Village Weekends that can be tailored to a Waldsee BioHaus experience.

Other ideas? Questions? Contact Martin Graefe, our Director of Year-round Programs, for more information at: [email protected] :: 1-218-586-8715