November 6, 2007
Dear Science Teachers,
We are writing to middle school science teachers in Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa, North and South Dakota to introduce an exciting new science education program focusing on energy conservation to be held at the Waldsee BioHaus Environmental Living Center in Bemidji, MN. We’d very much like your feedback on our planned middle school science experience. Does it look appealing to you and your science class? Do you think your students could benefit from our hands-on, experiential science immersion program? Is there a need for such a program? Which program option sounds most appealing and most realistic to you and your class?
We have attached a description of our proposed program and created a short questionnaire to obtain your perspective as a science teacher on our program and its feasibility. Your opinion is important to us, and we’d greatly appreciate your participation and feedback on this survey which can be downloaded below. Please return your survey by email to: [email protected] or to the address listed below. Feel free to contact me with any questions.
Additionally, we are planning to offer a one-day science teachers workshop on our new middle school science immersion program in 2008. This will give you a chance to experience the activities and the opportunity to discuss with fellow teachers on how to best adapt and incorporate the BioHaus experience into your classroom. Let us know if this sounds interesting to you.
Edwin Dehler-Seter
Environmental Education/ Natural Resource Management Specialist
Concordia Language Villages
8659 Thorsonveien NE
Bemidji, MN 56601
Office: 218-586-8711 Cell: 218-556-1347 Fax: 218-586-8713
- Download program_description_nov07web.doc
- Download different_options.doc
- Download teacher_survey_web.doc